Everything about purchasing and raising a puppy

In addition to a lot of love and fun, purchasing a puppy also comes with a responsibility. Before you take a puppy into your home, you should of course think about this carefully

Of course it is very nice to take a puppy into your home. There is always someone at home who welcomes you with a wagging tail and a happy welcome. It is very good for children to grow up with a dog. They have a nice playmate and learn to take care of something.

It is also very nice for the elderly to have a dog at home. Never alone in the house, enjoy a healthy walk where you can often chat with other dog owners. We can give many examples of why a dog can be an incredibly sweet and wonderful family member.

But a dog needs regularity, opportunities for exercise, food and care. So it requires social but also financial responsibility.

Make sure you are prepared for the arrival of a new “family member”. Don't make a hasty decision when getting a puppy. If you decide to purchase a dog, you will be doing so for years!

Buy a dog.

What should I pay attention to?

  • Think carefully about purchasing a dog

    Purchasing a puppy not only brings a lot of love and fun, but also a responsibility. Before you take a puppy into your home, you should of course think about this carefully.

  • Our method

    If you have seen the nicest, sweetest or most beautiful puppy on our website and what suits you best, it is best to send us an email with your telephone number.

  • Picking up your new family member

    How wonderful that you are being introduced to a new family member with a puppy. When the puppy arrives it is time to go to its new home. You have probably already had some time to get a few things ready for your future roommate. Just a short checklist with the important things in any case:

  • Registration puppies

    Every dog that comes to the Netherlands from abroad must have a chip. If he comes from an EU country, he must also have an EU pet passport. If you buy a puppy from a foundation that sources the dogs from abroad, you must apply for a UBN and arrange registration through the vet. The puppy must be legally registered by a veterinarian within 14 days.

  • A male or female?

    The choice of a male (male dog) or female (female dog) is an obvious choice for some, a difficult consideration for others.

This is what you want to know...

A puppy in the house.

  • How do I get to know our other dog or cat in the house?

    If you already have another dog or cat in the house, let them get used to each other slowly. It is best to have the first meeting outside, for example in a secluded garden.

  • How long can I walk a puppy?

    Your puppy is not yet used to walking on a leash and will find this a bit strange at first. It is important that you give them time to get used to this and always walk short distances. Never pull on the leash, but always try to lure the puppy in a fun way. This can be done by crouching down and enthusiastically calling the puppy to you or by putting a toy on a string and dragging it across the ground in front of the puppy. You will notice that he will then start chasing the toy. Start with small pieces, you will soon notice that your puppy enjoys it more and more and moves along more easily. One always calculates 1 minute per week. If your puppy is 15 weeks old, he can walk for a maximum of 15 minutes. But build this up slowly and walk the same route in the beginning so that the puppy can remember the way home.

  • What is the best place in the house for a crate?

    Find a nice, quiet place in the house for the crate. Preferably in a corner where the puppy feels a little sheltered. Make sure there is no draft in that place and the temperature is comfortable. Not directly next to a door that is frequently used. This makes it too restless. The crate may be placed in a closed room so that no one can see it, but it may also be placed in the living room. When you see that the puppy can rest well, that is fine. If there is too much noise around and you notice that it is difficult for him to separate himself, see if you can find a quieter place.

  • How do I potty train my puppy?

    No matter how cute a puppy can be, you don't want those puddles everywhere! By being patient with your puppy and learning to understand why your puppy sometimes pees, you can prevent a lot of annoyance. To get your dog toilet trained quickly, we have a few useful tips for you.

  • Give your puppy enough rest!

    When you come home with your puppy, it has all kinds of new impressions to process. Make sure he has time to discover everything calmly and unforcedly.

  • How can we get through the first nights as best as possible?

    The first night you bring your puppy home can be tough. In the past, the standard solution was to place the puppy as far away from your bed as possible and try to sleep through the (possible) squeaking. Nowadays there is also other advice.

  • How much can my puppy eat and drink?

    Make sure the puppy always has fresh drinking water.

Extra tips.

Education and behavior.

  • Warm weather and your dog

    Just like people, dogs all react differently to warm weather. You can read here what you should pay attention to and what you can do to prevent your dog from overheating.

  • Take your dog in the car

    With the car you can easily take the dog everywhere. A dog will have to be taught this.

  • Stay home alone

    Do your neighbors regularly complain about your barking dog when you are not at home? Or does your dog take care of your sofa while you are doing some shopping? These could all be signs that your dog has separation anxiety or can't be left home alone. This is not only annoying for you or your neighbors, but is often also very stressful for your dog!

  • Let your dog run free

    After a nice walk it is time to go home, you have already called your dog a few times but he still seems to enjoy being with the other dogs. You get frustrated and start shouting at your dog a little louder, but he still doesn't seem to make any move. Now you're really starting to get angry and when your dog finally decides to come to you, you let him know. The next day it's exactly the same again...

  • Teaching a dog to walk on a leash

    During the ideal walk, the dog walks happily next to the owner, does not pull on the leash and when the owner walks on, the dog naturally follows along. Isn't this exactly what a walk looks like for you? Then you can probably use the tips below!

Do you have a question?

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