Please complete this form as accurately as possible. It takes some time, but it can be a guideline for both you and us to get an impression of which puppy suits you best. Keep in mind that you are purchasing a puppy that has been in a shelter. These puppies need some time to get used to the sounds and hustle and bustle of the Netherlands. Give them time, and with patience, dedication and love, they will adapt. You are the one who, after a well-considered decision on your part, wants to give the puppy a new life. The responsibility for the puppy's well-being lies with you. Therefore, do not consider a puppy you have adopted as a tradable item.
How nice that you are interested in one of our rescue puppies! We would like to ask you to first complete our pre-adoption form. This is of course without any obligation. This form is intended for us to get an impression of your (living) situation and experience. This way we can assess whether it is suitable for the dog in question, but completing the form also ensures that you think consciously and seriously about adoption. As soon as we receive this form back, we will contact you within 2 working days.
You are receiving this important information because you have adopted a dog from a country where leishmaniasis occurs. New research has ensured that the treatment of this disease has been adjusted in 2019. Instead of lifelong medication, the treatment duration is now a maximum of 6 months to possibly 1 year
A dog normally has well-formed stools once or twice a day. If (water) thin, custard-like or pulpy stools occur instead of well-formed stools, this is called diarrhea. The most common causes of diarrhea in dogs: * change in food or food that is not easily digestible * viral: coronavirus, parvovirus * roundworms * flagellates such as giardia * food allergy or food hypersensitivity
You are receiving this important information because you have adopted a dog from a country where ehrlichiosis occurs. Ehrlichiosis causes vague symptoms that could be associated with many conditions. The diagnosis is therefore made with blood tests.
Babesiosa Canis is a single-celled parasite, a protozoan, that burrows into the red blood cells of dogs and destroys them. The protozoan is transmitted by the now infamous Dermacentor tick.